This Is Not Happening - An Album Of The Month Podcast
This Is Not Happening - An Album Of The Month Podcast
EP. 52 | TINH Top 10 Albums of 2024
It's the end of the year and that means it's time for us decide on our individual Top 10 Favourite albums list. Once this is done, we hand this to David, who fires up the TINH algorithm and a collective Top 10 is created. Sometimes it's predictable, sometimes it's not, more often than not Guy feels like the TINH black-sheep but every year we tell him we love him and it all works out well.
Part 1 | TINH Collective Top 10 List.
We run down our top 10 list, introducing the albums and why they made it into our top 10. We always plan to be short and snapy. We always fail. But hopefully you enjoy it.
Part 2 | Spin It Or Bin It | Favourite Track of 2024.
We usually create a short list of 4 tracks each and pick a single track to represent the theme. With it being the end of the year, the theme is obvious, Favourite Track of the Year. But we each created a 10 track 'short' list this time.
The 40 track 'Favourite Tracks of 2024 is available here and it's a belter.
In Part 2 we each talk through our favourite track of the year and then ask the question ... Spin It or Bin It where we try to decide a track of the year.
We hope you enjoy this episode.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:02:10 - Albums 10/9/8
00:11:58 - Albums 7/6/5
00:25:16 - Albums 4/3/2
00:44:50 - No.1 Album
00:53:24 - Spin It Or Bin It - Tracks of 2024
01:24:28 - Outro
We've been writing the blog for years come and have a look - https://thisisnothappening.net/